Monday, 14 September 2015

Diocese of Sailsbury “God is calling” leaflet.

“Deacons are called to service, to be ambassadors bearing a message of God’s love in Christ to be God’s agents in the world attending the needs of others.  Through their ministry of service and proclamation they aim to make Christ and his redeeming love visible to the world… deacons serve where they are needed, but they may have a particular focus in their ministry depending on the needs of their local community and their own particular gift…”
Deacons help people cross the threshold into church and at the end of services they send the congregation out into the world to serve Christ.. they welcome and help to prepare those seeking baptism and those preparing for marriage.  They also share in ministering to the recently bereaved…
Deacons have a particular responsibility to lead the church in intersession for all God’s people who are need.  Deacons preach when required and they distribute communion and minister to the sick and the household.”
“A person considering a call to diaconal ministry will have leadership gifts that reflect a willingness to be a leader who assists rather than exercising a ministry of oversight.   
They are people who are happy to work behind the scenes as well as being a public representative for the church, with the communication and pastoral skills to proclaim the gospel in word and deed.
Since deacons share in the leading of worship in church, particularly in the intersessions and assisting at the Eucharist, they need to have sensitivity and presence to enable others to worship.”

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